When Can Suspensions Be Unreasonable?

When Can Suspensions Be Unreasonable?

An NHS Trust was taken to court, after the claimant seeks a temporary injunction following her suspension from duties. In the recent case of Harrison v Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, an employee successfully…

What Are Employers’ Understanding of the Gender Pay Gap?

Regulations requiring certain employers to report on their gender pay gap (GPG) came into force in 2017. The regulations affect around 10,000 employers across the UK and the Government Equalities Office has carried out a survey and published…

When Does an Employer Have Knowledge of an Employee’s Disability?

The recent case of Lamb v The Garrard Academy highlights how complicated the question of employer knowledge around an employee's disability can be. The Legal Background Employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for employees who…

Government Proposes Biggest Reform of Employment Law in 20 Years

In July 2017, Matthew Taylor published his Good Work report into the implications of new forms of work on worker rights and responsibilities and employer freedoms and obligations. The government has now published a Good Work Plan proposing…

Voluntary Reporting on Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing

In October 2017, "Thriving at work: the Stephenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers" was published. Following this, the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health and Social Care have published a framework to support…

Can Staff Take Their Leave When Payment in Lieu Is Payable?

Three recent cases highlight why you should encourage your employees to use their holiday entitlement. The purpose of Article 7 of the Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) (the WTD) is to ensure that EU Member States implement domestic legislation…
Free Barrister HR Surgery Events - Narrow Quay HR

Barrister’s Chambers HR Surgery – 24 January 2019

Do you have an HR issue you need to tackle? We are sorry to report that this event has been postponed. If you have a HR issue you would like to discuss, please do get in touch. We understand that dealing with HR issues can be time consuming…

Workplace Investigations – Weighing up the Evidence

Is it Unfair for an Employer to Withhold Evidence From a Disciplinary Panel? On the facts in the recent case of Hargreaves v Manchester Grammar, it wasn't, but this decision should be followed with caution. Hargreaves v Manchester…

GP Recruitment and Retention – Top Tips For Getting It Right For Your Healthcare Practice

Many healthcare practices are facing challenges around recruitment and retention. In particular, we are seeing an increase in the number of experienced GPs retiring early leading to an increase in recruiting less experienced salaried GPs. Getting…

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