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Managing the menopause in the workplace has become a more topical issue in recent times.

In this article, we will consider:

  • why employers need to think about this
  • the legal context and risks
  • practical tips for managing staff who may be going through the menopause.

There are 15 million women in the UK workforce, and 3.5 million women over 50 in UK workplaces. Currently, one in eight women in the UK workforce is over 50, but this is forecast to rise to one in six by 2022. In the UK, the average age for a woman to go through the menopause is 51, so there is a large group of UK employees who are going to go through, or have gone through, the menopause.

ACAS suggests that two million women aged over 50 will have difficulties at work, due to symptoms of the menopause and that one in three women over 50 will have had severe symptoms from the menopause or perimenopause.

How employers manage the menopause in the workplace will impact on staff well being, staff retention, and equality and diversity.

Legal Context

Employers have a duty to minimise, reduce or where possible remove, health and safety risks for workers. So, ensuring that menopausal symptoms are not made worse by the workplace or work practices, and making changes to help a worker manage their symptoms at work is critical. There is also a duty not to behave in a way which may undermine the implied duty of trust and confidence.

There is limited case law dealing with menopause transition in the UK but two first instance decisions have recently linked the menopause to the protected characteristics of sex, and disability. There is the possibility of other successful discrimination claims being brought in future, for example, indirect discrimination, failure to make reasonable adjustments, victimisation or harassment.

Employers should consider how to manage their risks by carrying out risk assessments, reviewing their policies and procedures, considering training and thinking about environmental factors, such as temperature control.

What is the Menopause?

The menopause is a natural stage of life, usually starting in the late 40’s and involves the decline of women’s oestrogen levels until no eggs are produced. As it goes on for a number of years, it is better to view it as a stage or transition rather than an event. Some women may also have an early menopause, either naturally, or as a result of surgery or medical treatment. The perimenopause usually starts in mid 40’s.

There are a number of symptoms of perimenopause and menopause – both physical and psychological. Symptoms affect women differently and some can experience very mild symptoms while others experience very severe ones. Symptoms can include; feeling tired and low on energy, hot flushes, irregular and heavy periods, aches and pains, mood swings, difficulty sleeping and night sweats, anxiety and panic attacks, struggling with concentration or focus, and headaches and migraines.

Women who do not get support with symptoms may lose confidence in their roles at work, and may suffer with poor mental health.

What Can Employers Do?

  • Think about and talk about the topic
  • Treat symptoms of the menopause as you would any other health condition.
  • Make work an open environment where employees can talk about their symptoms, if they are causing difficulties at work
  • Think about introducing a Menopause Policy
  • Talk to staff who are struggling about appropriate adjustments
  • Involve line managers
  • Think about appointing Menopause Champions in your workplace
  • Raise awareness of the topic in your workplace, in a way appropriate for your culture – posters, newsletters, a menopause policy, menopause cafes can all work. Use simple messages and get senior management on board.

Appropriate adjustments may include private areas to rest, working time arrangements, access to toilets, and a good temperature in the workplace. Discuss options with the staff concerned. Think about alleviating the barriers to allow women affected to carry on in their role.

Think about how this process will be managed in practice. There should be conversations with the employee, identifying specific issues, and identifying any appropriate adjustments which may help. These should be recorded and a follow up should be arranged. Decide who can make decisions about adjustments; line managers or senior management?

The Role of Line Managers

Line managers are critical in managing the menopause in the workplace. They are typically the first point of contact for people who are struggling with symptoms. They are responsible for implementing policies and supporting good performance, as well as also responsible for managing absence and supporting returns to work.

  • Encourage regular one to ones between managers and their staff. This can create the environment where staff can speak up. Managers should keep information discussed at these meetings confidential and agree with the staff member who they are happy to inform and how.
  • Train line managers in how to deal with sensitive conversations such as these.
  • Encourage managers to ask about staff well-being or issues which they have noticed, but not to ask direct questions about the menopause. Remember that it is up to the individual to disclose their symptoms.
  • Create awareness for managers so that they are comfortable in providing information and training on the topic.

Difficult Areas:

  • For some women, the symptoms of the menopause may affect their performance or cause absences. Take this into account when managing performance and making adjustments, for example by treating absence related to the menopause separately to absence for other reasons.
  • Remember that the menopause is potentially a long term health issue and may fluctuate over time.


There is likely to be an increased focus on managing the menopause in the workplace as the number of women going through the menopause increases in the UK workforce. This presents potential challenges to employers, but also rewards in terms of increased staff well-being, good staff retention rates and good HR practice.

Related Resources

The HR consultants at Narrow Quay HR are available to chat through any queries you may have related to menopause and are able to help with any of the issues raised, including menopause policies or a review of your practices and procedures. Please contact our HR specialist Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683 938.

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How do you appropriately manage the process of a redundancy situation? Narrow Quay HR Consultant, Sarah Martin provides practical advice for dealing with difficult conversations

Included in this webinar:

  • What is a redundancy situation?
  • What is collective consultation and how does it work?
  • Interaction between individual and collective consultation
  • Who are the employees representatives?
  • How do notice and redundancy payments work?

How Can We Help?

Our specialist HR consultants can help your organisation by:

  • providing support with your day to day HR issues
  • auditing your HR policies and procedure to identify problems and suggest improvements
  • training for your staff
  • practical support with consultations and other HR projects
  • carrying out investigations into grievances, disciplinaries and other matters

Related Resources

If you require any HR support in relation to dealing with a redundancy situation, please contact our HR Consultant, Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091.

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Experienced HR Consultants, Simon Martin and Joanne Hill, from Narrow Quay HR, provide practical advice for managers on improving your team’s ability to work remotely.

In our podcast, we discuss

  • The role of managers
  • Facilitating wellbeing discussions
  • How to maintain regular contact
  • Tips for remote working

How Can We Help?

Our specialist HR consultants can help your organisation by:

  • providing support with your day to day HR issues
  • auditing your HR policies and procedure to identify problems and suggest improvements
  • training for your staff
  • practical support with consultations and other HR projects
  • carrying out investigations into grievances, disciplinaries and other matters

Related Resources

If you require any HR support in relation to the challenges of working from home, please contact HR Consultant Simon Martin on 07384 813 076.

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How can managers support individuals going through the menopause? Our HR Consultant Caitlin Anniss and VWV’s Employment Associate Jessica Scott-Dye discuss.

In our webinar, we discuss:

  • Why it’s important
  • Legal context
  • Options for employers
  • Current guidance around managing the menopause in the workplace
  • Practical tips
  • Raising awareness

How Can We Help?

Our specialist HR consultants can help your organisation by:

  • providing support with your day to day HR issues
  • auditing your HR policies and procedure to identify problems and suggest improvements
  • training for your staff
  • practical support with consultations and other HR projects
  • carrying out investigations into grievances, disciplinaries and other matters

Related Resources

If you require any HR support in relation to consulting with your staff, please contact our HR Consultant, Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683938 or VWV’s Employment Law Associate, Jessica Scott-Dye on 07799 901 428.

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On Friday 29 May, the Chancellor provided new details about the extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which he had announced on 12 May.

We already knew that he had listened to industry bodies and was planning to introduce the ability to bring employees back on a part-time or reduced hours basis. But that can now take place more quickly than expected, on 1 July. Employers need to note however, that this new, flexible scheme will only be available to those employees that have already been furloughed for the minimum three week period. This means the deadline for furloughing new staff is 10 June.

Whilst Sunak had already made it clear that employers would be asked to contribute during this extended period, he has now set out what those contributions will look like. In addition, he has announced that the self-employed income support scheme, which was due to end last weekend (30/31 May), will now be opened for a second and final round in August. In line with the changes to the furlough scheme, the grants will drop to 70% of earnings, up to a maximum of £6,750 for three months.

The Timeline

10 June

The final date on which employers can furlough staff in order to ensure they will qualify for the new scheme.

1 July

Employers are able to bring back furloughed staff on a part-time basis.

1 August

Government contributions of 80% of salary (up to a maximum of £2,500) continue, but employers will have to pay employer’s National Insurance and pension contributions and cannot claim these back.

1 September

The Government contribution under the CJRS will drop to 70% of salary (up to a maximum of £2,190), but employers will need to top up to 80% (or whatever higher percentage has been agreed with the employee).

1 October

The Government contribution under the CJRS will drop to 60% of salary (up to a maximum of £1,875), but employers will need to top up to 80% (or whatever higher percentage has been agreed with the employee).

31 October

The furlough scheme ends.

The HR consultants at Narrow Quay HR are available to chat through any queries you may have related to new work arrangements under coronavirus (COVID-19). Please contact our HR specialists Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683 938, Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091 or Simon Martin on 07834 813076

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We have appeared on the VWV On the Case podcast, discussing the issues employers face when consulting with employees, who are working remotely.

In our podcast, we discuss:

• Practical considerations of consultations
• Do you still have to consult?
• Consultations and furloughed staff
• Managing remote meetings
• Methods of communication

How Can We Help?

Our specialist HR consultants can help your organisation by:

  • providing support with your day to day HR issues
  • auditing your HR policies and procedure to identify problems and suggest improvements
  • training for your staff
  • practical support with consultations and other HR projects
  • carrying out investigations into grievances, disciplinaries and other matters

Related Resources

• Coronavirus – How Can Employers Consult With Their Staff Effectively?

If you require any HR support in relation to consulting with your staff, please contact HR Consultants from Narrow Quay HR, Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683938 or Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091.

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Narrow Quay HR (NQHR), the highly successful HR consultancy arm of VWV, has added capacity to the team and welcomed two new HR consultants, Joanne Hill and Simon Martin.

The growth of NQHR builds on the key credentials of the consultancy, of providing commercial, creative and pragmatic support for their clients, grounded in the expertise of the HR consultants, who are all experienced employment lawyers who now specialise in HR. Joanne and Simon join existing consultants, Caitlin Anniss and Sarah Martin.

Joanne has specialised in HR in recent years, most recently working as a Case Manager at the Ministry of Justice. She will build on her experience of coaching and partnering with clients in her work for NQHR, which will focus on the growth of the consultancy’s retainer offering, particularly in the maintained schoolscharities, and SME sectors. Jo has extensive experience of helping clients with the processes around day-to-day HR issues such as staff absences, disciplinaries, grievances, and consultations with staff, both as an employment solicitor in the past and more recently as an HR consultant.

NQHR is delighted to welcome Simon to the team, who joins the consultancy on a permanent basis, having previously worked as a consultant. He will support NQHR’s highly successful specialism in workplace investigations, bringing a wealth of experience from both his work as an employment solicitor and more recently as an HR consultant. Alongside his work on investigations, he will also support NQHR with panel support and project work for clients, and with training on key HR issues.

Caitlin Anniss, HR Consultant at Narrow Quay HR, commented:

“We are delighted to welcome Joanne and Simon to NQHR to support our growth and enable us to increase both our investigations and retainer offerings to our clients. NQHR has gone from strength to strength since it was established three years ago and our larger team will ensure that our clients continue to receive our specialist HR advice and our combined expertise when they need it most.”

Narrow Quay HR was created three years ago, to provide specialist HR services to VWV’s clients. From day one, the consultancy has been hard at work delivering HR support, carrying out investigations and providing training to clients on a range of HR issues. In addition to recently celebrating its third birthday and welcoming two new consultants, the consultancy has also seen strong financial growth, surpassing financial targets by 23% last year.

VWV is a full-service national law firm with offices in London, Watford, Bristol and Birmingham.

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Further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been released by the Government, and the Treasury have issued a Direction setting out the legal basis for the scheme.

On 9 April, the Government issued further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). On 15 April, the Treasury issued a Direction which sets out the legal basis for the scheme. On the same day, further updates were made to the guidance to reflect much (but not all) of the detail in the Direction.

We have summarised what appear to be the key issues below. However, it is important to note that the Direction, in particular, contains a lot of detail that will take time to digest. It should also be noted that the Direction is not consistent with some elements of the updated guidance – see the comment section below.

9 April Guidance Update

  • It is possible to furlough staff on work visas, without undermining the conditions of the visa.
  • The furlough scheme should not be used for short periods of sickness absence, but staff who are on long term sick or shielding can otherwise be furloughed.
  • Staff who were TUPE transferred can be placed on furlough.

Treasury Direction

To recover a furloughed employee’s wage costs under the CJRS that employee:

  • Must have been on your PAYE payroll on or before 19 March (the date had previously been 28 February).
  • Must have been registered on HMRC’s real time information system for PAYE as at 19 March.

An employee is a furloughed employee if:

  • They have been instructed to cease all work in relation to their employment. This instruction must be agreed in writing (which may be in an electronic form such as email). This is not consistent with the guidance – see our comments below.
  • The instruction is given by reason of circumstances arising as a result of coronavirus or coronavirus disease. This is now very broad and there is no longer any requirement for there to be an underlying risk of redundancy.

Where Statutory Sick Pay is payable or liable to be payable in respect of an employee (whether or not a claim for SSP has been made) when an instruction to cease work is given, the furlough period cannot start until the ‘original SSP’ period has ended. Again, this is not consistent with the guidance – see our comments below.

During furlough, company directors are only entitled to carry out legal obligations that relate to the filing of company accounts or the provision of other information relating to the administration of the company.


The Treasury Direction is important, as it is the legal basis of the CJRS and (from a purely legal perspective) takes precedence over the previously issued guidance.

This makes any variation between the guidance and the Direction very difficult for employers to manage. What happens if an employer has furloughed staff relying on the guidance available at the time, only to find that the Direction calls into question whether those staff will qualify for reimbursement? There is no obvious answer to this, but it would seem highly undesirable for the Government to withhold reimbursement from employers who have made reasonable efforts to act in accordance with the guidance available to them, and who have taken steps to rectify matters where reasonably possible after the goalposts have moved.

Two Key Points

  1. Instruction to cease work must be in writing

    Where employees continue to be paid 100% of their salary and benefits, the guidance only required employers to notify employees that they were being furloughed. The requirement to gain agreement in writing in these circumstances is new and could call into question the ability to reclaim reimbursement under the CJRS if there has only been notification. It is not clear how this will play out – for example, will deemed acceptance be sufficient?

    The good news is that there is no requirement for the written agreement to be obtained before the start of the furlough period.

    As a result, if employers did not obtain agreement in writing to stop work from each furloughed employee they should consider whether it is appropriate to act now to obtain such written agreement.

  2. Eployees eligible for SSP

    The guidance states that whilst the CJRS cannot be used in cases of short term sickness, those on long term sick and those shielding can be furloughed at the employer’s discretion (as long as the other conditions around furloughing have been met). This is not replicated in the Direction.

    The Direction is difficult to understand, but it does suggest that people who are shielding or eligible for SSP at the time they are instructed to cease work will only be eligible for reimbursement under the CJRS when the original period of eligibility to SSP ends. This is even if no SSP has been claimed.

It is difficult to see why the Direction takes a different approach to the guidance on this point. Whilst there are no clear answers, employers will need to take a view on whether to change their approach or submit claims for reimbursement and challenge any attempt by HMRC to withhold payment on the grounds that the guidance has been complied with.

The HR consultants at Narrow Quay HR are available to chat through any queries you may have related to new work arrangements under COVID-19. Please contact our HR specialists Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683 938, Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091 or Micaela Calcutt on 0117 314 5619 at Narrow Quay HR Consultancy.

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The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has brought with it uncertainty and unprecedented challenges.

Anxiety about the health implications and potential economic effects can be overwhelming. Employees’ health, safety and well-being during this pandemic should be of the upmost importance to employers. Effects on the mental health of your employees may include –

  • worry about the health and the health of their family and friends,
  • worry about job security,
  • increased stress from working at home and/or looking after children, due to school closures.

We are all now living under strict social distancing measures, including many people now home working, to delay the spread of the virus. Lots of people will not be accustomed to working from home and the loss of normal routines and social interaction may impact on someone’s mental health. What can employers do to help their staff cope with the current situation?

The Role of Managers

It is important for managers check in with staff regularly to make sure that they have a manageable workload and are not being overwhelmed.

There are strategies that managers can promote to their employees, including –

Taking Breaks 

Suggest to staff that they take a break from checking the news relating to the virus during work time, perhaps even turning off phone notifications. Whist staff will want to keep informed of the latest government guidance (and employers should recognise that), a constant stream of notifications can have a negative impact on mental health. In addition, speculation and misinformation on social media and dissemination amongst colleagues can increase anxiety and cause upset for some staff. Communicate with staff about this and encourage staff to avoid unhelpful gossip and speculation whilst at work and be mindful of their colleagues and how they might be feeling.

Signposting to Additional Support

If you have the resource, think about using occupational health or a workplace counsellor as a point of contact for staff to be able to talk openly and honestly about their feelings. It’s good to get someone else’s perspective as it’s easy to be overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.

Quiet Time

Encourage staff to take a quiet moment away from their work space. Taking time to refocus or taking themselves away from a situation can be useful in preventing your employees feeling run down or burnt out.


Do continue to promote check-ins between managers and their team members to see how they are getting on. An individual’s mental health can become unpredictable, especially in the current environment.


Ensure confidentiality between you and your employees and continue to build trust. Sensitive information may be being shared, and being respectful of this and ensuring confidentiality is important.

Employers should be mindful of the business strategies and policies they have in place to protect their employees and give thought to how they communicate these to their staff.

Particular thought should be given to keeping in communication with staff working remotely and staff should be encouraged to keep in contact with each other, perhaps by setting up chat groups on social media or apps ie WhatsApp, Zoom, House Party. That being said, it’s important that such groups don’t fuel anxiety and worry about the pandemic so whilst staff should be able to send informal messages, managers should ensure that the tone and content remains appropriate.

Remote Working Tips

The shift to working in isolation may result in increases of depression, loneliness and stress. In addition to the steps set out above, employers can support employees whilst they are working at home by providing guidance on effective home working. Tips you can share with staff include:

Sticking to normal routines – do not wake up five minutes before you need to log in and start working. Similarly, set limits on the hours you spend working and make time to switch off and unwind once you have logged off at the end of the day.

Work Space

If possible, finding a space in your home that you can designate to working and making sure it is kept uncluttered. Do not work in your bedroom, if possible, this should be kept as a place to rest. Discuss and create boundaries of your work space during your working hours with those you live with, although this may be more difficult with children.

Health and Well-being

Trying to eat healthy well balanced meals, exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep. Physical and mental health are linked so it is important to eat well, take proper breaks and stay active. Unless you are unable to go outside, going outside for a walk during the day can be a really effective way to clear your mind and then refocus on work.

Keep In Touch

Keeping in regular contact with your team to make sure others are healthy and safe. There will always be greater risks for lone workers with no direct supervision. Regular updates of capacity and workloads will keep the team engaged. Make sure everyone knows how to contact each other if people do not have work mobile phones.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year. Employees going through mental health issues should know that they are not alone and be encouraged to openly talk and communicate their thoughts and feelings without the fear of being judged, stigmatised or discriminated against.

The HR consultants at Narrow Quay HR are available to chat through any queries you may have related to new work arrangements under COVID-19. Please contact our HR specialists Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683 938, Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091 or Micaela Calcutt on 0117 314 5619 at Narrow Quay HR Consultancy.

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Employers often need to consult with staff and there may be an increased need to do so given the current pandemic of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Employers may need to consult about changing work arrangements, including the Government job retention scheme, reduced hours or even redundancies. You may also have ongoing consultations which need to be concluded in an effective way. With no confirmation of when social distancing measures will be withdrawn, delaying consultations is unlikely to be an option for most employers.

Effective consultation is important at any time, but the impact of the coronavirus outbreak has made the process more challenging at an already stressful and uncertain time. As the situation continues to change rapidly, it is vital that employers communicate clear information to staff promptly.

Steps to delay the spread of the coronavirus include social distancing measures, such as a shift to remote working, the cancellation of events, the temporary closure of certain organisations and schools and strict limitations on when people are allowed to leave their homes, currently in place until mid-April. Employers may have a number of employees off sick or self isolating, and steps should be taken to include them in the consultation process in an appropriate way.

Practical Steps

You will need to adapt practices so that you can continue to carry out effective consultations whilst all or some of your employees are not on site. Face-to-face meetings will not be possible and so you should consider the following options:

  • Can you hold consultation meetings using video or conference calling technology? You would need to ensure that the staff have all the necessary information via email beforehand, so that they can participate effectively.
  • For one to one consultation meetings, can you do these via Skype, use other video conferencing software or on the phone?
  • For consultations around less significant issues, could you consult with staff in writing, allowing them the opportunity to come back to you, and perhaps have a phone call, if they have particular issues to discuss?

Remember that there are limitations of these options which you will need to work around, such as:

  • It may be more difficult to discuss complex issues without face to face meetings, so you may need to adjourn and have additional calls to consider issues.
  • Note taking may be more complex, particularly if meetings are held over the phone rather than via video conferencing.
  • Thought should be given as to whether HR or Union Advisors can join consultation telephone calls or video conferences to provide support for employees. If they can’t, then employees should be given the opportunities to consult with the representatives separately and come back to employers with any further points.

Consultations for Lay-Offs or Short-Time Working Arrangements

For employers needing to deal with an unexpected downturn in business as a result of the current uncertain environment who do not have a contractual right to introduce lay-offs or short-time working arrangements, consultations with employees (and trade unions/representatives where appropriate) should be undertaken to try and agree a temporary solution.

There are no specific legal requirements surrounding consulting staff when introducing lay-offs or short term working.

Best Practice

  • Communicate changes with employees to keep them engaged during difficult times.
  • Give regular updates about the changes being made and the challenges the business is facing. Employees are more likely to accept difficult decisions and changes to the way they work if they understand the reasons behind them.
  • For significant changes, carry out consultations by telephone or video conference with employees who are working remotely or self-isolating to unsure that employees understand and are engaging with the proposals being put to them.
  • Employees should be given the opportunity to adjourn consultations, if they feel the need to go away and discuss any points with HR or a Union Advisor.

Consultations for the Introduction of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme

The scheme has been introduced to allow employers to temporarily lay-off or ‘furlough’ staff, with the Government stepping in to pay 80% of the wages up to £2,500. The scheme is currently in place for three months from 1 March but may be extended. The scheme is subject to existing employment law , which would indicate that there should be a level of consultation to gain employee agreement to the changes proposed to their status.

Best Practice

  • Consider asking for volunteers for furlough. You do not necessarily need to accept those that volunteer if you deem they are needed but it may avoid the need for you to have to select between staff.
  • Communicate with staff who you intend to furlough and those you may need to retain, so that they understand what this means for them and the timescales involved.
  • Document the process you have undertaken to select those staff who you think can be furloughed and those who you need to retain, and any factors you have taken into consideration.
  • Inform staff of the decision on furlough but allow them to provide feedback or to raise any concerns. Ask them for their agreement to the proposed changes to their status.
  • Keep the situation under review and keep in communication with staff, both those continuing to work and those who have been furloughed.

Consultations for Redundancies

If employers do not consult employees, any redundancies made will almost certainly be considered unfair by an employment tribunal.

For redundancies of fewer than 20 people, there are no prescribed rules on how consultations should be carried out. However, it is best practice to properly consult with employees and their representatives in order for the process to be fair. Conference or video calls may be an effective way to engage with staff who are working remotely or self-isolating.

For redundancies of more than 20 employees within a 90 day period, there are specific regulations which must be followed and advice should be sought under those circumstances.

How Can We Help You?

Narrow Quay HR is run by experienced employment lawyers who now work as HR consultants. We can fully support you with implementing consultation processes for your business and assist with the process, as follows:

  • provide you with compliant and effective communications for your staff
  • calculate redundancy entitlements
  • timetable the consultation process and provide scripts for consultation meetings
  • support consultation meetings remotely, either by being part of a consultation meeting held on the phone or via video conferencing, or by being available on the phone should you want to adjourn to speak to us
  • take a note of consultation meetings where these can be arranged remotely
  • identify when legal advice may be necessary and quickly put you in touch with the right people

For more information, please contact our Employment and HR specialists Caitlin Anniss on 07909 683938 or Sarah Martin on 07799 136 091 at Narrow Quay HR Consultancy.