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Whilst the Government’s furlough scheme may have staved off redundancies for the short term, it is highly likely that we will begin to see another rise in redundancies across various industries as we head into the New Year.

Unlike an American CEO who recently decided to make 900 people redundant over a Zoom call, employers in England and Wales must follow a fair redundancy process for individuals who have worked there for at least two years by the time their job ends.

There will need to be at least one individual meeting with the employee before making a final redundancy decision and it’s key that you discuss the reasons behind that proposal and why the employee’s role is being considered for redundancy. You must also make the employee aware of any suitable alternative jobs that might be available, and actively engage with them to see whether a redundancy dismissal can be avoided.

If you have your own internal redundancy process, this should be followed. If you don’t have your own process in place, it might be best to get some support to guide you through the process. If the redundancy could be seen as ‘unfair’, you may be putting your business at risk of unfair dismissal claims.

For guidance and support with fair redundancy processes, please contact Simon Martin on 07384 813076.